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ARGI                         command arguments

    ARGI equals the  index value of  the next command  line argument to  be
    processed from ARGV.   This value  may be changed  and will change  the
    array element of ARGV processed next.  When the last element of ARGV is
    the current input file, ARGI is set to one of two integer values:

    1. the integer value of the index of the last element of ARGV plus one,

    2. if the last element of ARGV has a string index, ARGI is set to zero.

    Setting ARGI to zero, ARGC or a value for which there is no element  of
    ARGV with  a corresponding  index value,  will cause  the current input
    file to be the last command line argument processed.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson